Saturday, September 2, 10am 2pm
What better way to start off Labor Day Weekend then NAKED OUTDOORS IN CHICAGO! We return to the “Enchanted Forest” near the Garfield Park Conservatory for some time to commune with nature and cook on the campfire!
We will be providing sausages, smores, water and more. BYOB. Please feel free to bring your own food to heat up on the campfire and of course a towel to sit on. (Please no raw proteins)
Cost is only $30 per couple, $20 per single. $5 discount for paid members. $5 more if paid at the door. Easiest way to RSVP is by going to our website www.chicagofunclub.com and clicking on our store. You can also use Chase Quickpay / Zelle send to chicagofunclub@gmail.com. Cash app send to Steven Iwaniec #swiwaniec. BE SURE to include your name/email and which event you are sending money for. You can also email your RSVP and pay at the door.